Widebander mk3 QRP Ham Radio Antenna for Amateur Radio

Following the success of the Mark II, the quest for greater efficiency has led us to replace the whip with a stealth dual wire kit. 

Wonder LOOP WL 750

Utilising our unique “HLT” Hybrid Loop Technology to cover 7 – 50 MHz in one convenient package by employing two loop circuits with a common feedpoint.

Tuneable counterpoise
Tuneable counterpoise for any amateur radio antenna. Improve the performance of any antenna for HF and VHF/UHF

The Tuneable Counter Poise is compatible with all Wide-Bander models and other antennas!

Buy a Widebander and a Counterpoise for £169.95

Wide bander mK II BNC

The standard MkII comprises the usual BNC and wire adapter so you can connect your own whip antenna or use a long wire and counterpoise

Wonderwire 4010

RWT-166 160m – 6m

The RWT-166 covers 160 – 6m as the name suggests and uses a stepped inductor and a variable capacitor as an LC match for a wire antenna.


Coming Soon

TunEable Counterpoise XL
50 watt tuneable counterpoise for Amateur Radio

The New Tuneable Counterpoise offers the same versatility with upgraded components allowing upto 50watts PEP.

About the founder of Wonderwand

Carl, G0NZI

The Wonderwand came about because Carl saw the need for a compact portable antenna to cover the HF bands. This ruled out the convenience of full sized antennas. 

Hence began the quest for the ultimate QRP Antenna! The modern Widebander is available for Yaesu and Icom transceivers and is compatible with many others such as Elecraft . For enhanced efficiency a long wire and counterpoise is a must. The easy to carry space saving whip configurations grants ultimate flexibility.

The best antenna is the one you have with you

QRP Portable Antenna

How to use the Widebander 

The Wonderwand Widebander is a QRP Antenna suitable for 10 watts ERP. Capable of tuning from 70cm to 160m. Self contained and requiring no batteries Wide Bander is the ultimate lightweight QRP Tuner. 


Set the fine tuning dial to the central position before you begin


Listen for the loudest receive noise


Once you have the lower dial set you can begin to fine tune using the SWR reading from your transceiver.

Check SWR and ENJOY

Once the SWR is satisfactory you are ready to enjoy the QSOs wherever you are. 

Latest Wonder Wand News and Videos

Below are the latest videos and articles relating to Wonder Wand, QRP Operations, Portable, SOTA, POTA and Projects .

The new counterpoise offers all the versatility of the Wonder Wand Tunable Counterpoise with upgraded parts and design to allow 50 watts PEP.The tuneable counterpoise can help improve the performance of most antennas in seconds and is small and compact. Ideal for the portable use, to […]
Ah, SOTA! It’s more than just an acronym, it’s a sunrise symphony echoing from a mountaintop, a picnic of triumph amidst windswept crags, a whispered conversation across continents woven on sunspots. The joys of SOTA unfold like a crisp map on dawn-kissed stone. First, the ascent. […]
ML&S discuss the FT-818 and how it fares including some handy accessories and guides.


Dont’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

Thought I’d let you know that I took your suggestion of the W3EDP and connected up an 84ft wire using the tuneable counterpoise and immediately I noticed a real difference in receive. On 160m I thought I’d try my luck and made two contacts with reports of 5/8 into South West Scotland and 4/4 into Rotterdam on 5W!! The wire is configured in my 40ft garden highest point 17ft down to the bottom of garden and around garden at 6ft👍

Thank you again I’m even more of a promoter of Wonder Wand now 🙂 Keep up the good work.

Wonder Wand Widebanker Mk3 with BNC and long wire
David M7DFM


Good antenna!

It is not the same as a 4 element yagi up in the air 100 feet. But it is not supposed to be that. This antenna IS better than any other portable “mounted directly to the radio” antenna that I have ever used.

Good stuff! Thanks!

Wonder Wand Widebanker Mk3 with BNC and long wire
Gary, N7BRJ


Despite the awful conditions over the weekend I still managed several reasonable contacts into Europe, the best being Portugal and Slovakia using the Wonder Loop and the Mk4, I just missed a Sicily contact on 6M as the band went flat, on Saturday I made several 6m contacts on the loop while the conditions were ok – 5/1 & 5/2 received on most qso’s but I was easily heard with 5W on the 817, most of my contacts were very complimentary regarding the audio quality so overall I am very pleased with the loop, hopefully the conditions will improve in the next few days. 

Paul M6WAX

Wonder Loop

Have a question or would like to purchase a wonderwand?

Contact G0NZI or visit our facebook and youtube channel for news and special offers